
What’s involved?

To join Wupwoo as an organisation, you must complete our appraisal form to see if your organisation is suitable for Wupwoo. To do this, please fill out our organisations’ questionnaire to see if your organisation is suitable to join many other organisations already on Wupwoo!


Qualifying Criteria:

  • You want or need more customers.
  • Your staff have been DBS checked where required.
  • You are a fully insured legal venue.
  • One or more of your staff have first aid training.
  • You can provide deals and offers for users to use in your organisation, e.g. free drinks, 20% off food or entry (prize cap set by you).

If you want to find out what Wupwoo can do for your organisation, then please see What is Wupwoo?

Five hands fist bumping over a desk with laptops on it.

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Wupwoo For A Better U
